
Day 5 Vegas San Fran and Florida – 2015

Well the jet lag isn’t subsiding, and yet again, despite a late night of 11.30pm, I find myself up and awake bright and breezy. Wasn’t helped by the phone call at 4.30am asking if I’d like to claim for an accident that wasn’t my fault….is there no escape? Yesterday when we sat down for breakfast, Nikki had egg on her chin, and as a serviette was passed to her, Gareth, quick as a flash, said “It’s not a snack Nikki”.

For those of you who don’t get that, please catch up with previous days….it will make a lot more sense.

I’m currently writing this on the short hop to San Fransisco, and the clear blue skies we’re flying through make the views spectacular. However, there’s nothing but desert and mountains, flat plains and more desert. How the hell did settlers cross this gaff and more importantly, why? The captain has just announced that to the left of the plane (which is our side) is Mount Whitney, the highest point in Mainland America, and in the same frame Death Valley, which is the lowest point. It’s bloody huge…

Yesterday was a bit of a special as I’m sure you’ve read, as we renewed our wedding vows. Thirty years we’ve been together, and it seemed only fit to try and recreate our special day in Las Vegas’ Little Church of the West, as the original was held in a very similar place, Wigan.

Many famous people have tied the know there: Sinatra and Farrow, Bob Hope and his wife, Dudley Moore, Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford, and of course, Woods and Morris.

It’s only a little wooden affair, but it’s set in lovely gardens next to the main road, Harley Davidson outlet, and Big Petes Dollar Casino.

Minister Dan conducted the ceremony, and he was very professional, requesting that he would like to “Deal in cash” as he has a situation with the IRS. Bless him.

A few photos later and yet again we are man and wife. Paul acted as best man, holding the ring and everything, and Andy (Hulk) stood is as surrogate Father giving the bride away. We tried to stream it live, but Minister Dan told us he also had a situation with the FBI and was “uncomfortable” appearing on film.

We all then went to the Las Vegas sign, and had photos done, before getting in cabs to the Rio, famous for its Voodoo Lounge, and it’s cocktails.

Steak. $80.

We’re not staying here! Quick drink in honour of the few that have gone before, and back to the Aria for the famous Buffet. Prime rib, crabs legs, sushi, cuisine from around the world, but no oatcakes. I did remonstrate, but Carlos, our waiter, didn’t seem to take on board the gravity of the situation. Anyway, off to bed. Nikki was plastered, and yet again, the excuse came that the all you can eat buffet simply didn’t cut the mustard when it came to “lining her stomach”. Still, I’ve chosen to renew my vows with her today, so I’ve no one else to blame.

One thing that is concerning, is that I’m fast running out of pants. I feel a trip to Macy’s coming on.

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